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Tis the season to be grateful: Finding Holiday Joy!


The holidays can be difficult for sure. I think we can all agree that the stress of the season can put us into places that we don't want to go.

For instance, the idea that we have to find that perfect something for that special someone can be overwhelming. After we find it sometimes our minds go into that self-doubt.

is it the right color?

Is it the right size?

Are they going to like it?

If I get this for this person, then I have to get something for this other person! On and-on-and on. Sound familiar? Does it have to be that way? 

Busy shopping mall decorated for Christmas, with people in winter clothes walking past red and green displays. A large tree is in the background.
Amid twinkling lights and seasonal displays, shoppers bustle through a department store decked out with festive decorations, navigating the holiday crowds.

We have been trained to be as giving as we can be for the holidays. Even to the point that we overextend ourselves and make ourselves sick.

We make it to thanksgiving and it's like a timer that goes off saying hey times almost up you need to get going. 

 Maybe this year can be a bit different. Tis the season to be grateful. Self-gratitude is something that we have an opportunity to practice this year.  

Instead of being so worried about finding the right color, maybe we can thankful that we have that person to find a gift for.

If we take a moment to remember that the people that we are buying or crafting something for isn't looking at us in judgment.

Hand reaching for turquoise gift with gold bow among presents. Warm, fuzzy background with bokeh lights. Festive, cozy atmosphere.

They are happy that we remembered them and put some thought into something that we think would bring them some joy.  

Too often we are sold on the idea that it isn't about the gifts that we give but how many of them or how expensive they are that shows how much we care.

Are we doing that for the sake of the person receiving the gifts? Or are we doing that out of fear that they might think that we don't care about them enough? 


Take just a few minutes and think back to that holiday season that you remember the most. Was your family or friends there? What made it special? Can you remember all of the gifts that you were given? Maybe but probably not. But I'm sure that there was something special about it that didn't involve gifts.

We watch movies that tug at the heartstrings and remind us of the true meaning of the holidays. The celebration of life and being thankful for all that we have. Being grateful for the things that often get overlooked until it's too late. For instance, the company of family and friends, and the fact that we are all important to someone.

All that is needed for a truly memorable Christmas season is remembering that it isn't if the table is set perfectly or that you have enough of the latest decorations. It isn't about how big or how many the gifts that we give.

"Finding holiday joy." is the gift of giving of yourself.

You are enough. Slow down and breathe.

Take time to reflect on what is important to you.

Those who are invited to your table for thanksgiving and those that you are around for Christmas know who you are. They are not there to judge. They are there because you are important to them. Have a very merry Christmas. And a Happy New Year.  


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